Mikhail Reva, Ukraine’s best-known sculptor, was born on March 13, 1960, in Kerch, Crimea. Reva worked in the sculpture art fund, where he met his future wife Tatyana Kushniruk. At the age of 25, Mikhail entered the Higher School of Art and Design in St. Petersburg and graduated with summa cum laude in the field of architectural and decorative plastics in 1990. The works of Mikhail Reva have a diverse nature and are presented in many central locations of Odessa, Ukraine. His artistic works have become a landmark of the city — they include a monument dedicated to I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Twelfth Chair,” “Love Tree,” the fountain “Source of Life” next to Vorontsov Palace, art object “Odessa’s Time” and many other works. His Reva Studio, founded in 2003, is located in Odessa.